One of the missions of Old Tioga Farm is to help people feel more comfortable cooking high-quality meals in their own kitchens. This is why we sell vegetables, teach cooking classes, and try to inspire people at the restaurant. We’ve gained a lot of knowledge and expertise over the years, but rather than restrict this information from a sense of scarcity, we delight in sharing it with others in a spirit of abundance. For years, we’ve shared recipes during our classes at the farm and in Italy, and we’ve also published numerous recipes on our blog.
Our most recent initiative (undertaken during the pandemic) is a comprehensive recipe collection, consisting of 200 pages of recipes, techniques, and insights into what makes exceptional Italian cooking. We have always been a bit allergic to following the traditional path — always preferring whatever “road less taken” is most appealing to us. So too with this recipe collection. It is not a published cookbook, nor even a self-published one. Rather, it is simply a self-produced collection of more than 80 recipes and comprehensive, in-depth discussion of Italian ingredients and philosophy. We have found over the years that the most useful and practical form for a cookbook to be in is a three-ring binder. Cookbooks fall apart with heavy use, but we hope our recipe collection lasts for years in your kitchen.
While a recipe is only a template — like a musical score — needing a knowledgeable cook to bring it to life, we’re delighted to share many of our favorite dishes with you, many which we serve at the restaurant and many which we never have.